Matityahu Glassman
Licensed Tour Guide in Israel

Call for information: U.S. - 470-809-9628
Israel - 050-2358-983
Running Around Jerusalem
Virtual Treadmill Workouts
Running Around Jerusalem is a series of virtual treadmill workouts that take you on guided running tours through the iconic city of Jerusalem. Come run/bike/whatever with Michael and Daniel--two local Jerusalemites and avid runners--as we explore and explain some of our favorite running routes around Jerusalem.
These unique workouts allow you to feel like you are personally running through the streets of Jerusalem with two local running buddies while learning about Jerusalem's history, culture, and people.
Michael is a licensed Israeli tour guide and 2:57 marathoner.
Daniel has a background in personal fitness and is a 2:37 marathoner.
In the future, we plan to expand our virtual runs outside of Jerusalem, and take you around other sites throughout Israel. We hope you will join us for this incredible journey. Be sure to click "subscribe" to our YouTube channel.